October 26: Pretzel Day!


In addition to PRETZEL Day, October 26 is also Pumpkin Day and Mince Meat Pie Day. What is mince meat, anyway? I’M GLAD YOU ASKED, because I just looked it up! I knew it was meat in pie form (I’m smart!) but I DID NOT know it was SWEET. GROSS. I could maybe handle some bits of beef and a flaky crust. Uh, no. It’s “a mixture of minced meat, suet (raw beef or mutton fat), a range of fruits, and spices such as cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.” Blehhhhh. It’s no surprise that this is a traditional British dish, is it?


Anyway, I’m obviously not going to eat a mince meat pie if I can help it, but I was also happy to avoid PUMPKIN day. Do I hate pumpkin? No. Do I love pumpkin? No. Pumpkin is just… there. I could live without squash in my life. I feel like people eat squash because they feel it’s AUTUMNAL and, therefore, necessary to eat. Squash is to winter what melon is to summer (which I will also avoid if I can help it). Pumpkin pie is fine, I will eat it (and I will on Christmas in honor of National Pumpkin Pie Day… which is annoying.), but it’s sort of babyish, right? It’s like, pumpkin baby food on a crust. It does not deserve to be called a pie.


Instead I chose to celebrate Pretzel Day! It was a low key celebration in my tiny kitchen, in my bathrobe, with a towel on my head.





Tomorrow: National Potato Day

October 25: National Greasy Foods Day!


As soon as I saw what day it was, I informed Bryce that we’d be going to Five Guys for dinner. I mean, the bag says it all: greasy! And delicious. You know how some people read tea leaves in tea cups? I can read grease stains on paper bags.


The first line of grease translates into “Oh my goodness, oh my dayum. dayum Dayum DAYUM.”

The second line of grease translates into “You bite the fry, the fry bites BACK! That’s when you know you have an official french fry.”




Tomorrow: Pretzel Day

October 24: Good & Plenty Day.




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Okay guys, I’m about to say something drastic.

Dare I say… super drastic.

I think I’d rather eat another Chocolate Covered Insect than another Good & Plenty. I think I’d rather eat another Fried Scallop than another Good & Plenty. I think it’s safe to say that Good & Plenty are super duper gross. I ate one, Scotch taped up the box and will be sending them to my mom, the only person under the age of 80 to actually like black licorice. Blehhhh.

Tomorrow: National Greasy Foods Day