December 13: Ice Cream and Violins Day

What does this even mean? I had no idea, but I went with it. I ate a mini ice cream cone while listening to some violin music on the internet. #winning?
Tomorrow: National Bouillabaisse Day

December 12: National Cocoa Day

I don’t drink coffee so if I’m go to Starbucks with someone I always order a hot chocolate and feel like a toddler. Finally, today I had a good excuse.
Tomorrow: Ice Cream and Violins Day

December 11: National Noodle Ring Day
Did anyone know that noodle rings were a thing? Because I sure didn’t! I had to go out and buy a bundt pan (for $35!!!! I’m making a lot of bundt cakes in my future, I guess).

There were a ton of different recipes for these rings of noods. It seems like one popular way to serve a noodle ring is with tuna in the middle of the ring. So I guess it’s a weird version of a tuna casserole? Maybe? I’ve never had a tuna casserole. And I don’t plan on starting anytime soon.

I chose the “sour cream noodle ring”. It was noodles, sour cream, cottage cheese, an egg… I think that’s it? You mix it all together and bake it in a ring shaped pan for an hour or so. Then a noodle cake comes out. It’s definitely one of the weirder things I’ve made, but it wasn’t bad. It tasted a little like lasagna without any red sauce.
Tomorrow: National Cocoa Day

December 10: National Lager Day
Back when Bryce and I lived in Evanston, we went to pub trivia every week. Not to brag (okay, to brag), our team was great. We went to regional tournaments and missed going to Vegas by one question. Stupid zebra sharks.
It’s one of the things we miss most about the Chicago area, and we’ve gone to a few area trivia nights to try to re-create the magic. It will never be the same (shout out to team All That!), but it’s nice to be able to play trivia again once in a while.

We went to trivia on December 10 at Rose & Crown (apparently Mark Zuckerburg’s favorite bar? Not that I care, just letting you know for the sake of TRIVIA) and I had a lager for National Lager Day. I probably should have gotten an American lager since it’s a NATIONAL holiday, but I went German since it was on tap. And if I got a Coors light I would have been laughed out of the bar.
Tomorrow: National Noodle Ring Day

December 9: National Pastry Day
Does anyone remember when McDonald’s had cheese danishes? I fondly remember getting cheese danishes for breakfast (it was always a struggle deciding if I wanted hot cakes or a danish) with my dad. The danishes were wrapped in cellophane packaging, it wasn’t like they were made on-site or anything, but I loved them. I’d eat the whole bread-y outside first, saving the delicious cream cheesy middle for last (which is how I still eat them, actually).

Needless to say, McDonald’s no longer carries their danish line. I was forced to go to Starbucks. Sigh.
Tomorrow: National Lager Day

December 8: National Chocolate Brownie Day
Maybe this is a dumb question… but aren’t all brownies chocolate? Isn’t that why they’re called brownies? What is a brownie that doesn’t have chocolate? A blondie? But that’s a blondie, not a brownie.


I was super pumped that my friend Natalie decided to have a last minute birthday party for herself on National Chocolate Brownie Day! It gave me somewhere to bring them! :) Thanks for being born, Natalie!!
Tomorrow: National Pastry Day

December 7: National Cotton Candy Day
When I saw this day, I was worried I was going to have to buy myself a ticket to the circus ( :(! Clowns! Abused and sad elephants!) in order to get my grubby little paws on some cotton candy. If not that, I thought that I’d have to get that gross cotton candy flavor of Bubblicious.
(Do they still make Bubblicious? Or Bubble Yum? Why has bubble gum gone the way of the dodo bird? It’s so much better than its sugar-free chewing gum cousin.)

Anyway! I didn’t have to go to the circus! Or buy stale gum off the internet! They sell cotton candy at the grocery store! Which I think is weird, but whatever!
Tomorrow: National Chocolate Brownie Day