October 14: National Chocolate Covered Bug Day!


So, National Chocolate Covered Bug Day was yesterday (October 14), and despite ordering them over a week early, they didn’t arrive until today. Booo! Instead of catching my own bugs and dipping them in chocolate myself, I decided to wait until the ones I ordered arrived.


They came in a regular ole box. If the sellers were FUNNY they would have put them in a box with holes poked in it. But they’re not funny.



Anyway! Here they are in all their glory. Two crickets and four larva, dipped in milk or white chocolate.

I was really hoping Bryce would eat one with me, but no dice. I had to go on this journey alone.



Here is my Chocolate Cricket Odyssey:


Tomorrow: National Chicken Cacciatore Day!

6 Responses to “National Chocolate Covered Insect Day”

  1. manz says:

    film credit: me.

  2. Carol says:

    I think you need to retake the video, because it’s driving me nuts that it’s not oriented the right way.

  3. Stacie says:

    Isla and I enjoyed watching this and laughing at you.

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