November 9: Cook Something Bold & Pungent Day!
When you think of “bold” and “pungent” foods… what do you think of? I think of onions. I think of garlic. I think of blue cheese. What food item happily and deliciously combines onions, garlic and blue cheese? A PIZZA!
I love making pizza. It’s so easy, and the results are almost GUARANTEED to be delicious… if you use a pizza stone. Public Service Announcement: If you don’t have a pizza stone, get thee to a kitchen goods specialty store (or Kohl’s… no judgment here… that’s where mine is from.) ASAP! Except if you’re single… then don’t get yourself one because I’ll probably buy one for you when you get married (it’s become a signature gift of mine). Homemade pizza is the only pizza in my life now that we live in California. Californians do a lot of things right, but pizza is not one of them. Luckily, when armed with a pizza stone, you can make a better pizza than many pizzerias, anyway. Early on in my pizza-making days, Bryce declared that my pizza was “better than Pizza Hut!”. I initially took this to be a back-handed compliment, but learned that this was very high praise since Pizza Hut was Bryce’s favorite pizza place (Minnesotans, like Californians, also aren’t known for their pizza…).
Anyway, I wish you many better-than-Pizza-Hit pizzas!
Tomorrow: National Vanilla Cupcake Day.

2 Responses to “Cook Something Bold & Pungent Day”

  1. Stacie says:

    Do you make your own dough? I need a recipe to make my own pizza.

    • Anna says:

      No- I use the fresh dough from Trader Joe’s (or other markets… I used to use a dough from an Italian grocery store, but now that I’m in CA I just use TJ’s). It’s so much easier than making your own and tastes just as good.

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