December 11: National Noodle Ring Day
Did anyone know that noodle rings were a thing? Because I sure didn’t! I had to go out and buy a bundt pan (for $35!!!! I’m making a lot of bundt cakes in my future, I guess).

There were a ton of different recipes for these rings of noods. It seems like one popular way to serve a noodle ring is with tuna in the middle of the ring. So I guess it’s a weird version of a tuna casserole? Maybe? I’ve never had a tuna casserole. And I don’t plan on starting anytime soon.

I chose the “sour cream noodle ring”. It was noodles, sour cream, cottage cheese, an egg… I think that’s it? You mix it all together and bake it in a ring shaped pan for an hour or so. Then a noodle cake comes out. It’s definitely one of the weirder things I’ve made, but it wasn’t bad. It tasted a little like lasagna without any red sauce.
Tomorrow: National Cocoa Day