December 25: National Pumpkin Pie Day
Today was kinda a fail. First of all, I’m sort of peeved that CHRISTMAS is pumpkin pie day. Pumpkin pie? Really? Did Baby Jesus like pumpkin pie?  No, he liked frankincense. Does Santa like pumpkin pie? No, he likes cookies and milk. Either of these options would be more appropriate than pumpkin pie, because, really, no one likes pumpkin pie.
Around Thanksgiving I wrote a post on Facebook about how I think that one really likes pumpkin pie, they just eat it because they think they’re supposed to like it. WOW. Backlash! But I’m sticking to my guns: pumpkin pie is gross and people are brainwashed.
I’m in charge of PIES in my family, but I wasn’t about to waste a Christmas pie on pumpkins. I made that mistake on Thanksgiving. So I went to the store to try and find a pumpkin pie flavored thing. Except there wasn’t anything. Then I made my dad go through the McDonald’s drive-thru because I was CONVINCED I’d seen pumpkin pie on their menu. Nope. Apple Pie and “Holiday Pie” only. Then my dad backed out of the drive-thru, and we joked that people probably thought we were drunk… because, really, who goes to the McDonald’s drive-thru on Christmas, asks for pumpkin pie, then backs out when they say no?
Anyway, I had no choice but to drink (another) glass of egg nog in honor of Egg Nog Month. I’m sorry I’ve failed everyone.

Tomorrow: Candy Cane Day