October 20: National Brandied Fruit Day!


So. Brandied fruit day, hey? Apparently brandied fruit takes a few weeks to make, and I definitely did not start fermenting any fruit in any dark places a few weeks ago. So what to do?


Dump some brandy on some fruit and call it a day!


Just kidding! I classed it up a LITTLE bit. But it’s still basically some fruit with some brandy on it.


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I felt like a loser buying an airplane bottle of brandy.

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I baked a pear in butter and brown sugar, then made a brandy caramel to pour over it. And served with vanilla bean ice cream! How was it? It was good… but super boozy tasting. Like, I’d much rather have a baked pear with vanilla ice cream and plain caramel sauce instead. It’s like when a nice restaurant adds something fancy because they think it makes a dish better, but no one really wants lavender scented foam on their plate.


Tomorrow: Apple Day! Caramel Apple Day! International Day of the Nacho!


2 Responses to “National Brandied Fruit Day”

  1. manz says:

    This was the opposite of your Pasta Day entry: just a pretty face, no substance. This girl will max out your credit card at the mall.

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