October 26: Pretzel Day!


In addition to PRETZEL Day, October 26 is also Pumpkin Day and Mince Meat Pie Day. What is mince meat, anyway? I’M GLAD YOU ASKED, because I just looked it up! I knew it was meat in pie form (I’m smart!) but I DID NOT know it was SWEET. GROSS. I could maybe handle some bits of beef and a flaky crust. Uh, no. It’s “a mixture of minced meat, suet (raw beef or mutton fat), a range of fruits, and spices such as cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.” Blehhhhh. It’s no surprise that this is a traditional British dish, is it?


Anyway, I’m obviously not going to eat a mince meat pie if I can help it, but I was also happy to avoid PUMPKIN day. Do I hate pumpkin? No. Do I love pumpkin? No. Pumpkin is just… there. I could live without squash in my life. I feel like people eat squash because they feel it’s AUTUMNAL and, therefore, necessary to eat. Squash is to winter what melon is to summer (which I will also avoid if I can help it). Pumpkin pie is fine, I will eat it (and I will on Christmas in honor of National Pumpkin Pie Day… which is annoying.), but it’s sort of babyish, right? It’s like, pumpkin baby food on a crust. It does not deserve to be called a pie.


Instead I chose to celebrate Pretzel Day! It was a low key celebration in my tiny kitchen, in my bathrobe, with a towel on my head.





Tomorrow: National Potato Day

3 Responses to “Pretzel Day”

  1. Stacie says:

    Your teal nail polish is gone :(

    • Anna says:

      Ha! I wondered if that would be noticed. It was a no-chip, but they did a crappy job (that’s what you get for $14.99 I guess…) so it was thick at the cuticles and driving me crazy. One chip later and I had peeled them all off in under an hour. :( Oh well, it lasted almost 2 weeks…

  2. manz says:

    Anna set up a chemistry lab in our kitchen to get that stuff off

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