October 10: National Angel Food Cake Day

Today was a big pain. No, I didn’t make an angel food cake. That would have been a different kind of pain (dividing a dozen eggs, beating, folding, buying a new pan, etc.). That was exactly WHY I didn’t make an angel food cake. Instead I decided to buy an angel food cake from the grocery store. I KNOW they sell them because whenever I see them I scoff, because I’m admittedly a jerk who judges store bought baked goods. BUT I thought it would be much, much easier to buy one in celebration of National Angel Food Cake Day than slaving away in the kitchen on a Thursday night instead of having a wine and movies night with some ladies (which is what I did instead).


Well… joke was on me because I went to Trader Joe’s, THREE Safeway’s, and two little pastry shops looking for angel food cake and NOPE. Why is Angel Food Cake Day in October, anyway? Shouldn’t it be in the summer? When you’d eat it with berries and not feel too bad about eating cake during bikini season since it’s like, made of air? Hmph.


Anyway, I was complaining about the lack of cake in one of the many bakery departments I was in and a lady told me about this cupcake place that makes angel food cake cupcakes. I was totally skeptical since I’ve never (ever) since angel food cake in cupcake form, but I needed to get on with it and get to movie night (+wine). So I went and the girl was all “yeah we use angel food cake batter in this one!!” and I probably looked at her funny because it was covered in coconut (again, what?) but I paid her and took the pink box.




I got home and took a bite and it was totally NOT angel food cake.




Liar liar pants on fire! This was totally a coconut cupcake. But I think this counts because I tried! I really did.



Tomorrow: National Sausage Pizza Day.

2 Responses to “National Angel Food Cake Day”

  1. Stacie says:

    Doesn’t Betty Cracker have an Angel Food Cake box mix?

  2. […] that time I went to a million grocery stores looking for an Angel food cakeĀ and I came up empty handed […]

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