October 23: National Boston Cream Day!


The Boston Cream Pie is not a pie! It is a cake! And it was created in 1856 by Armenian-French chef M. Sanzian at Boston’s Parker House Hotel! A Boston Cream Pie is a sponge cake filled with a vanilla custard, and covered in a chocolate ganache.


Remember that time I went to a million grocery stores looking for an Angel food cake and I came up empty handed every.single.time?



Here’s a dozen. Hrmph.


Anyway, I SWEAR I’ve seen Boston Cream Pies (full size AND mini ones too!) in the Safeway bakery section. Apparently I was  having the same luck I was having on National Angel Food Cake Day. Ugh. What’s a girl to do?



We’ve all seen those annoying commercials, right? Where the ladies are on the phone talking about their diets where they get to eat key lime pie, strawberry shortcake and Boston cream pie, and the dopey husband overhears and starts rummaging through the fridge looking for the magical decadent desserts? And HAHAHA, joke’s on dopey husband, because his wife and her friend were talking about YOGURT the whole time! Haaaaa.



FYI: this is basically just vanilla yogurt.


Tomorrow: Good and Plenty Day.

4 Responses to “National Boston Cream Pie Day”

  1. manz says:

    Vanilla yogurt with a nasty aftertaste. I was not a fan.

  2. Stacie says:

    Randomly we had Boston Cream Pie in our fridge and I ate some, it does have a funky aftertaste.

  3. Stacie says:

    No, it was the yogurt. I was just referring to the first comment. I don’t keep pies in my house, I’d weigh 250 lbs.

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