December 2: National Fritters Day
I had planned on buying an apple fritter from some place (a doughnut store? Is that where you buy a fritter? Obviously I hadn’t planned far enough in advance to figure out where to get a fritter…), but then I got home and the idea of leaving to buy a fritter was beyond annoying. I had a giant apple (helllloooo honey crisp!) and the other necessary ingredients so why not venture into the world of deep frying at home again! Because the last time went SO WELL. Not.

This fry session was decidedly better than the last. At least this time I thought the end product was edible. Would I make it again? No, probably not. The grease burns and left over oil are a pain and I realized I prefer my apples crisp and… not hot. Wait, does this mean I don’t like fritters? Did I do it wrong? Are they supposed to stay crispy? They weren’t soggy, but they didn’t SNAP or anything, which is obviously the best part of an apple.
Tomorrow: National Apple Pie Day

4 Responses to “National Fritters Day”

  1. Stacie says:

    You can buy an apple fritter at the grocery store where the donuts are. Just did it last week, for no other reason than I was at the grocery store and hungry for something terrible for me.

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