December 22: National Date Nut Bread Day!
I love Date Nut Bread. It’ might be one of my favorite things, but I rarely eat it. Why do I rarely eat it if I love it? It’s just that I’ve never made it… I rely on my mom making it, and now that I live in CA, I don’t see my mom as much, and thus, my date nut bread consumption has gone down.
My mom makes date nut bread in cans, because my grandma made it in cans. I didn’t understand this, and my mom couldn’t explain why she does it (other than that’s how my grandma makes it), so I turned to my old pal, Google, and found this link. Apparently this recipe ran in the Chicago Tribune in 1953. I’m not sure if that’s where our recipe came from, but it’s plausible.


Anyway, I texted my mom asking her to make some date nut bread in advance of my arrival so I’d be able to have some to celebrate with. She already had some made! Hooray! I think I need to start collecting my own cans to use as date nut bread cans so I can have it more often.


Tomorrow: National Pfeffernusse Day