January 8: English Toffee Day


I dare you to find something more delicious than English toffee. Seriously, it might be the world’s most perfect food. It’s a delectable combination of salty and sweet. A little nutty (like me). The perfect crunch. There are probably some good fat in there (nuts, right?). There are probably some bad fats in there, too, but whatever. It’s gluten free (not that gluten stops me). It’s The Best.
It’s actually pretty easy to make, too, once you get the hang of it. Before you get the hang of it, there is a lot of burned sugar involved. And maybe a few second degree burns. I remember one night a few years ago I decided I WANTED TOFFEE AND I WANTED IT NOW. And instead of being a normal person and walking to 7-11 or Walgreens (that used to be like, a three minute walk from my Chicago apartment… *wistful sigh for city living*), I decided to melt up some butter and sugar and go to town. It was a horrible mess. But what do you do when life gives you a horrible mess? You go to Walgreens and buy a Heath bar. Just kidding. You melt more butter and start over. And you succeed. Because you are a success in life.

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If you don’t feel like living on the edge (or hate the idea of scarring your forearms with bits of molten sucrose), Trader Joe’s makes an excellent toffee (as pictured above).


Tomorrow: National Apricot Day