November 2: National Deviled Egg Day! 


I have a love/hate relationship with deviled eggs. I love the yolk, I hate the white. The yolk is yummy, mustard-y, mayo-y, salty deliciousness. The white is a rubbery, plastic-y, flavorless vesicle that holds the yummy, mustard-y, mayo-y, salty delicious. Egg white :: celery as egg yolk :: peanut butter.


When I was little and we were at a party with deviled eggs, I’d lick out all the yellow and hand my dad the white to eat. Okay, this still happens.


Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

How Anna eats a deviled egg.


How a normal person eats a deviled egg.


I will continue to give my dad the whites.


Tomorrow: National Sandwich Day